Introducing Dental Implants (Paperback)
by John A. Hobkirk (Author), Roger M. Watson (Author), Lloyd Searson (Author)
"This is a book with a strong pedigree and is based on the previously successful book also written by the authors "A Colour Atlas and Text of Dental and Maxillo-Facial Implantology".
The information in this book cannot be faulted and the pictures are of very good quality." D Walmsley, British Dental Journal, January 2004
textbook is ideal for undergraduate dental students, and any member of the dental team who wants a deeper insight into some of the implant treatment possibilities." Dr Waseem Noordin, Dental Practice, September 2003
the book is incredibly well organised, breaking down information into a series of headings and bullet points. This information is also summarised in table form. The text is comprehensive, supported by a wealth of clinical images and schematic illustrations covering all aspects of implant dentistry. The authors have aimed this book at final year dental students, dentists taking postgraduate courses and professionals complementary to dentistry. In laying the book out in discrete chapters in an easy to read style, I think that it will find an enthusiastic audience." Instructor, University of Birmingham School of Dentistry, Dental Update, April 2004
Book Description
In recent years, dental implants have become a more common alternative to conventionally placed dentures, bridges and crowns. This accessible, well-illustrated introduction to the principles of implant dentistry provides readers coming into contact with implants for the first time with a working knowledge of the various implant systems available. Thorough discussions are also included on patient assessment and treatment planning, the use of implants in edentulous and partially edentulous patients and for single tooth restorations, as well as possible problems and maintenance procedures.