Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007

[eBooks] Color Atlas of Periodontology

Color Atlas of Periodontology

Publisher: Thieme Publishing Group
Number Of Pages: 544
Publication Date: 2004-12
ISBN / ASIN: 3136750039
| Tags: Orthodontics, Dental, Atlas |

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[eBooks] Dental Erosion: From Diagnosis to Therapy: 20 (Monographs in Oral Science)

Dental Erosion: From Diagnosis to Therapy: 20 (Monographs in Oral Science)

  • Hardcover: 219 pages
  • Publisher: Karger; 1 edition (10 May 2006)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 3805580975
  • ISBN-13: 978-3805580977
  • Product Dimensions: 24.4 x 17.4 x 1.4 cm
  • Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank: 357,994 in Books
Erosive tooth wear is a multifactorial condition of growing concern to the clinician and is a subject of extensive research. This book is the first which deals in such detail with dental erosion. It presents the whole spectrum of views on the issue, from the molecular level to behavioral aspects, as well as trends in society. The multifactorial etiological pattern of erosive tooth wear is emphasized and is a strand connecting the different chapters of the book. Definition, diagnosis, prevalence, incidence and chemistry of dental erosion are discussed in the first part of the publication. Further, topics like extrinsic and intrinsic causes of dental erosion are covered and a chapter is devoted to dental erosion in children. Methods of assessment are presented and critically evaluated. The book concludes with themes on dentinal hypersensitivity, risk assessment and preventive measures and restorative options for erosive lesions. This publication is not only highly recommended to faculty members, researchers and dental students, but also to practitioners and other dental professionals who are committed to the prevention and treatment of dental erosion.



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[eBooks] Textbook of Clinical Trials

Textbook of Clinical Trials

by David Machin , Simon Day , Sylvan Green , Brian Everitt , Stephen George

Product Details
Hardcover: 428 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (March 12, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471987875
ISBN-13: 978-0471987871

Book Description

A comprehensive volume on clinical trials that covers all important disease and therapeutic areas together with methodologies, phase I/II/III studies and other issues.The volume catalogues the impact of clinical trials on the practice of medicine and discusses the developments and practice of medical statistics. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, dermatological, dental, mental, ophthalmic health, gynaecology and respiratory diseases are all discussed in separate chapters, with discussions on outcome measures, competing risks and statistical models given for each therapy area.It also presents:* A history of clinical trials* A summary of pertinent statistical issues* How to choose a clinical trial design* Ethical constraints and considerations* Clinical trial issues in paediatrics and those involving older patients* Clinical trials in complementary medicine


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[Programs] OrthoCAD™


OrthoCAD™ was the first company to introduce a digital
model service to the orthodontic market in early 1999. OrthoCAD
™ is operated by Cadent, Inc, located in Fairview,
NJ. This company was started by two CAD/CAM engineers
who consulted with doctors and other experts to develop
their 3-D system. The startup software for OrthoCAD™ is
free of charge and is about 8 megabytes in size. There are no
service contracts required to allow OrthoCAD™ to generate
digital models.

Download :
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Manual Guide


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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2007

Met Lebaran.....

met lebaran semua, mohon dimaafkan atas semua kesalahan yang telah saya perbuat... blog kuedonat sedang dalam masa rehat, mulai hari selasa insyaallah akan di update beberapa ebooks terbaru..... terima kasih

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Mohon Masukannnya.....

karena begitu banyak polemik baik di forum maupun di lingkungan kampus, saya mencoba mengutip dari pasal 15 UU No. 19 tahun 2002 tentang hak cipta, berikut kutipannnya :


Pasal 15

Dengan syarat bahwa sumbernya harus disebutkan atau dicantumkan, tidak dianggap sebagai pelanggaran Hak Cipta :
a. Penggunaan Ciptaan pihak lain untuk kepentingan pendidikan, penelitian, penulisan karya ilmiah, penyusunan laporan, penulisan kritik atau tinjauan suatu masalah dengan tidak merugikan kepentingan yang wajar dari Pencipta;
b. Pengambilan Ciptaan pihak lain, baik seluruhnya maupun sebagian, guna keperluan pembelaan di dalam atau di luar Pengadilan;
c. Pengambilan Ciptaan pihak lain, baik seluruhnya maupun sebagian, guna keperluan:
(i) Ceramah yang semata-mata untuk tujuan pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan; atau
(ii) Pertunjukan atau pementasan yang tidak dipungut bayaran dengan ketentuan tidak merugikan kepentingan yang wajar dari Pencipta.
d. Perbanyakan suatu Ciptaan bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra dalam huruf braille guna keperluan para tunanetra, kecuali jika Perbanyakan itu bersifat komersial;
e. Perbanyakan suatu Ciptaan selain Program Komputer, secara terbatas dengan cara atau alat apa pun atau proses yang serupa oleh perpustakaan umum, lembaga ilmu pengetahuan atau pendidikan, dan pusat dokumentasi yang nonkomersial semata-mata untuk keperluan aktivitasnya;
f. Perubahan yang dilakukan berdasarkan pertimbangan pelaksanaan teknis atas karya arsitektur, seperti Ciptaan bangunan;
g. Pembuatan salinan cadangan suatu Program Komputer oleh pemilik Program Komputer yang dilakukan semata-mata untuk digunakan sendiri.

selengkapnya : Download

Pembahasannnya :
1. di poin a, tidak akan dianggap melanggar hak cipta selama utuk kepentingan pendidikan
2. di poin c(ii), tidak akan dianggap melanggar hak cipta selama tidak dipungut biaya
3. di poin e, tidak akan dianggap melanggar hak cipta selama berfungsi sebagai perpustakaan umum, nonkomersil, dan dipergunakan untuk menunjang aktivitas.

mungkin karena kurangnya pemahaman saya terhadap UU ini atau kesalahan persepsi saya dalam mengutip UU ini, saya berpendapat bahwa keberadaan blog ini legal....

untuk itu, saya mohon masukan dan tanggapannnya, karena polemik ini harus segera di selesaikan....terima kasih

[Programs] HueMatch

HueMatch - Freeware
HueMatch is a program that allows you to change the color balance of an image to match the colors of another reference image. Matching is done by adjusting the histograms of the images.
HueMatch is very useful if you have before and after pictures of a clinical case and the colors do not match. If you show these pictures side-by-side



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[eBooks] Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent

Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent (Hardcover)
by Ralph E. McDonald (Author), David R. Avery (Author), Jeffrey A. Dean (Author)

Book Description
One of the most successful textbooks in pediatric dentistry, this expert resource provides superior, comprehensive coverage of oral care for infants, children, teenagers, and medically compromised individuals. Thoroughly revised material offers the most up-to-date diagnostic and treatment recommendations based on current research, literature, and clinical experience. Now in its 8th edition, this classic text continues to offer in-depth coverage of all areas relevant to the contemporary science and practice of pediatric dentistry.

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[eBooks] Orthodontics E-Book

Hello Everybody. I have been collecting orthodontics ebooks for 1 year. Now I wanted to share them all with you...

(kumpulan ebook orthodonsia yang dikumpulkan oleh seorang dari suatu situs komunitas)

Content :
A Clinical Guide to Orthodontics
Contemporary Orthodontics
Invisible orthodontics
Mustafa Ulgen
Orthodontic Cephalometry
Removable Orthodontic Appliances
Seminars in Orthodontics
Systemized Orthodontic Treatment Mechanics
Textbook of Orthodontics
An Introduction to Orthodontics
Atlas of advanced orthodontics
Clincal problem solving in Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
Damon System
Ortho test atlas
Principles of Orthodontics
Orthodontic and peadiatric dentistry
Three-dimensional Cephalometry - A Color Atlas and Manual

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